- FDA registered
- 98% success rate
- 100% at-home treatments
- No prescription needed
Performing treatments at home with The Phoenix is safe and easy.
The tip of the Phoenix is placed directly against the shaft of the penis and moved back and forth along 5 specific lines of travel according to a treatment protocol created by doctors who are experts in the field.
Li-ESWT (acoustic wave therapy) is not an overnight fix. Just like working out, results are achieved with consistent treatments per week for 30 days, followed by 30 days off (repeat as needed).
Most men notice improvement within 60-120 days of getting started, while many notice benefits much sooner. Once you’ve achieved your goal, you can continue treatments as needed to maintain peak performance.
Week 1-4
Plaque safely dissolves.
Week 4-8
Critical rest phase to trigger angiogenesis.
Week 8-12
New blood vessels begin to form.
Week 12+
Most guys experience significant improvement.

How does The Phoenix work?
As you age, your manhood naturally becomes softer, and getting hard becomes more difficult.
The Phoenix uses powerful, targeted sound waves (shockwaves) to non-invasively turn back the clock and get guys back to 100%.
Treatments are administered by moving the smooth treatment tip along the surface of your shaft. Smart guidance technology helps make sure that you’re delivering the right amount of shockwaves in the right place along the penis to improve performance.
It’s not an overnight fix, but given enough time, Li-ESWT dramatically improves the quality of your sex life.
How long does The Phoenix last?
The Phoenix is engineered to deliver at least one million clinical-strength pulses, which equals approximately 70 treatments.
If you visit a clinic, most physicians recommend an initial round of 6-12 treatments, each costing around $500.
With The Phoenix, you can complete your initial round of treatments to achieve your goals, and also perform additional treatments in the future to maintain your gains – from the comfort and privacy of home, for a fraction of the cost.
Does it hurt?
Li-ESWT is usually performed on a flaccid penis. If an erection occurs, there is no need to stop treatment.
Some men choose to pump immediately before performing a treatment in order to increase the treatment surface area. While this is okay to do, it is not part of Dr. Thompson’s protocol.
How long does it take before I see results?
Everyone is different. Depending on your health profile, you may notice improvement after a few treatments. However, the majority of men experience significantly more noticeable improvement after their first period of rest, which means it can take 60-90 days to see results.
Consistency is key. If you don’t see results right away, you’re not alone. It’s also a great idea to check with your doctor to see if there are any other changes you can make to your diet and exercise routine to support maximum performance in the bedroom.
How long does a treatment take?
Each treatment takes about 17 minutes to complete. Your first treatment may take a little longer because you’re getting familiar with the process.
It’s important to remember that treating more than 2-3 times per week will not speed up results – in fact, treating too often can slow down results as major improvements occur during periods of recovery between treatments.
How should I store The Phoenix?
We recommend storing the device on its side, laying down. While it may look pretty, standing the device up vertically on a counter or other surface can result in accidental damage from tipping.
Physical damage to the device will void your ability to return the device during your 60 day home trial.
Many men use the premium storage box that is shipped with the device to keep it safe between treatments.
Who should NOT use The Phoenix?
It’s always best to consult with your physician before beginning a new therapy. If you’re dealing with any of the following medical conditions, The Phoenix may not be a good fit for you:
Blood Clotting Disorder (i.e. Thrombosis)
If you’ve been diagnosed with, or believe you may suffer from a blood clotting disorder, do not use The Phoenix without clearance from your doctor.
Taking Prescription Beta Blockers
These medications have side effects that impact erection quality. You should speak to your doctor to see if an alternative medication is available.
For an erection to occur, beta receptors must receive the parasympathetic system’s message to relax blood vessels and allow blood to flow into the penis.
Beta blockers, as the name implies, prevent this important trigger.
Poorly Managed Diabetes
Abnormally high blood glucose levels can cause damage to blood vessels, as well as vital organs. It’s critical to work closely with your doctor to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.
The ongoing damage from poorly managed diabetes will likely overwhelm the benefits of Li-ESWT.
Poorly Managed High Blood Pressure
To maximize the results achieved with The Phoenix, high blood pressure needs to be properly managed in partnership with your healthcare provider.
Where can I review clinical studies?
See Studies HERE