Low-T questionnaires

Here are the questionnaires referred to in the article “Do you have low-T? Test yourself with a questionnaire“.

Figure 1: Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male (ADAM) questionnaire

Figure 2: Quantified Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male (qADAM) questionnaire

Quantified Androgen Deficiency

Figure 3: Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) questionnaire

Download pdf of the AMS questionnaire

The final AMS score can range from 17 to 85 points. The severity of the symptoms can be defined as: no/little (17–26 points), mild (27–36 points), moderate (37–49 points) and severe (50 points and higher).[1] 

A total score of 27 and higher has been defined as suggestive of androgen deficiency.[2, 3]


1.            Emmelot-Vonk, M.H., et al., Low testosterone concentrations and the symptoms of testosterone deficiency according to the Androgen Deficiency in Ageing Males (ADAM) and Ageing Males’ Symptoms rating scale (AMS) questionnaires. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 2011. 74(4): p. 488-94.

2.            Heinemann, L.A.J., et al., A New ‘Aging Male’s Symptoms’ (AMS) Rating Scale. The Aging Male, 1999. 2: p. 105-114.

3.            Chen, C.Y., et al., Reliability and validation of a Chinese version of the Aging Males’ Symptoms scale. Psychol Rep, 2007. 101(1): p. 27-38.



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